Simon A. Lee

I'm a 2nd year Ph.D. student in the Computational Medicine Department at UCLA working with Prof. Jeffrey Chiang. Previously, I worked as a data science researcher at Celsius Therapeutics exploring immunology cell quantification through deconvolution methods for our Phase I clinical trials. Prior to this, I obtained a Bachelor's of Science in Applied Mathematics and also studied abroad at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with people, traveling, eating, and discovering the mysteries of the world.

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I am broadly interested in representation learning for electronics health records (EHR) and other AI4Science work. I am particularly interested in using modern AI techniques (e.g. BERT, LLMs, etc.) to learn low level representations from high level data. I am also broadly interested in other popular avenues like algorithmic development and improvement, multimodality and digital twins.

Enhancing Antibiotic Stewardship using a Natural Language Approach for Better Feature Representation [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Simon A. Lee, Trevor Brokowski, Jeffrey N. Chiang
arXiv, 2024

Showcased how Medical Foundation Models can be leveraged for predicting Antibiotic Susceptibility to combat Antibiotic Resistance.

Multiple Embedding Model For EHR (MEME) [ABSTRACT] [PDF] [HuggingFace]
Simon A. Lee, Sujay Jain, Alex Chen, Akos Rudas, Jennifer Fang, Jeffrey N. Chiang
arXiv, 2024
Github page

Developed the Pseudonotes method that transforms Tabular EHR into text. Also build the Multiple Emebdding Model for EHR (MEME) which helps concatenate heterogenous ("Multimodal EHR") features for Emergency Department Prediction


  • Reviewer: Neurips 2024, ICLR 2024, IEEE 2024, ML4H 2024
  • UCLA Graduate Student Consultant
  • Miscellaneous: Memories/ YouTube/ Null

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